#1: From the lookout point which provided interesting reflections on the marble tiles surface

#2: The red streaks of light are from the brake lights of vehicles disembarking passengers during the 30 seconds exposure at F18, ISO 50. Was sitting crosslegged on the side pavement with my camera perching on a small tripod when a security guard creeped from behind and peeped onto my camera's LCD screen. He advised to move quickly along; which I obliged after negotiating to take this one last shot.
#3: The archs, in my mind, are the most uplifting part of KLIA's architecture

Salam, Muzakir. Great gallery of photos, good eye as well, and I guess an understanding family who don't mind going round to find the optimum spot to capture an idea. For the first photo, was it enhanced? If not, you gotta tell me how you choose a day with purple skies!
Thanks Wata for the kind words. The 1st photo originally had the blue sky but decided to photoshop to give that surreal effect with the early moon - some of my friends thought its a landscape in Mars....well, to each his own :-)
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